BREAK WATER IMPROVEMENT PLAN: We have been informed that the State plans a new and significant install to replace the current and failing Wave Eater system. The current barrel system is at least 20 years old and not nearly what it use to be. The new system by Pacific Netting from WA may be if it works as advertised a true game changer for Eleven Mile. We were also informed work will begin around the last week of September. Boat ramp will remain open.
CURRENT CONDITIONS: Fleeting Fall conditions last week with cooler temps and regular rain made for very pleasant days and turned the fish bite on. Some of the best action in August we have seen.
Hailed pretty hard one day. When the sun is out it gets hot fast. Last week the water temp bounced from 68 down to 64 and now back up to 67. Weeds galore, water clarity fair as Summer algae blooms occur. This is not “blue” algae. Its regular nature that happens annually about this time.
Due to staff shortage the CPW main office here at the Park is closed Wednesday, Thursday and only open half day on Friday. This puts pressure on us as many frustrated folks think we can help them with camping and Park issues. We are sorry but we are not involved in Park matters please don’t take your frustrations out on our staff. We do have a great staff that will help if possible. Make sure you have your fishing license in advance. Bring $9.00 for your daily pass if you need one. Apologies but we simply cannot make change for everyone that needs it for Park Passes and showers. When the Park office is closed we are not able to drop everything we may be doing and do a fishing license on demand. Patience is a virtue. Breathe
MOVING FORWARD: We normally were open everyday in September. It is likely we will be closing one if not two days per week due to staff shortage probably Tuesday or Wednesday. No decision yet but we have currently turned off online reservations for weekdays in September. Please call for boat and guide reservations for any dates after that. Updates posted as needed.
NO PIKE TOURNAMENT: We missed the last two years Covid related. This year we simply will not have the staff to pull it off. It takes a lot of prep, planning and work to get it done and it’s just not in the cards this year. However we are not pleased that Fishing Has No Boundaries FHNB loses one of their biggest fundraisers again this year SO we will host a fundraiser on their behalf on Saturday September 10. They will be here for a big BBQ and Crawfish Boil. We will have a live band and other surprises. We will give away $500.00 to the heaviest Northern Pike weighed in that day. No entry fee Spinney or Eleven Mile. Weigh in will be done in private and weights will not be disclosed until the end. In order to weigh in a fish you will need to make a donation to FHNB. Stay tuned for more details. This is not a contest it is a fundraiser for FHNB who take disabled kids and adults fishing. This years event will be held at Pueblo State Park on September 17.
MARINA STORE AND LAKE SPECIALISTS: Camping, Fishing Equipment, Flies, Lures, Bait, Clothing, Food, Snacks, Drinks, Ice Cream and official purveyors of Boars Head brand products. Stop in and find out how we can help you catch. Get a topo map. They say information is gold. It's also critical to catching fish on the ice. The maps have GPS coordinates on them so you just can't miss. We want you to be successful here at the Mile. Get a map we will MARK IT UP with the hot spots. WE ARE HERE FISHING EVERYDAY AND CAN PUT YOU ON THE FISH.
We have a great selection of Tasmanian Devils because an earlier in the season order just showed up. Hard to find patterns or hard to find in general may be hanging on our wall.
TASMANIANS TASMANIANS TASMANIANS HOT catching patterns #56, #55, #125, #Y82, others with pink We also have 4 packs like getting one for free
PIC # 1: Wow that’s a nice one!!
PIC # 2: Not quite as big but another nice one
PIC # 3: We call this the “Pike Lover Grip”. Just grab them in the eyes and they go totally limp. Considering what those teeth can do to your hand…pic courtesy jl
PIC # 4: And the Trout bite was on too!! pic courtesy jl
PIC # 5: Good time had by all
TROUT: GOOD TO VERY GOOD: That dip in water temp just made the fish go crazy. No guarantee that strong bite will continue but you won’t know if you don’t try. Things slowed up a bit as the water warmed back up. Lots of baits working. Bigger fish caught on tube jigs. We have a great selection of high quality tubes made Dry Creek Outfitters. Trolling made challenging by weeds. Shore action sporadic.
KOKANEE SALMON: FAIR TO POOR:: A bit of a bite is back on. Lead core or down riggers almost a must. North Shore to Buoy Line has seen action. Tasmanian Devils the most productive for us. Pink is good but Brown Trout also has been good. One in pic above caught about 9:00AM. Others have been caught through out the day with sporadic bites. Some days the bite is hot some days its cold cold. That’s when its called fishing not catching
NORTHERN PIKE: VERY GOOD TO EXCELLENT: Started last Thursday as the weather caused a dramatic drop in water temp over the course of the weekend. Lots of nice fish caught through out the day. Shallow water of 5 feet all the way to 20 feet saw productive times. Tube jigs, Husky Jerks, Kastmasters, Daredevils and many more baits were working. Mostly pitching and working certain spots. Too many weeds to troll shallow. Drift and pitch or anchor down and work your spot. Where you may ask. Stop in we will show you on the map.
CRAWFISH: VERY GOOD: It’s prime time. Fishing license required no limit. Boil em up. We have some great traps for sale. The ones we use for maximum production. It’s a Cajun thing
SPECIAL NOTE: 11 Mile Marina is located at the North Shore in Eleven Mile State Park, Lake George Colorado. A CPW Park Pass is required on all vehicles entering the Park. Any fees for Guide/Outfitter/Rental services do not include Park fees, CO fishing license or gratuities.
The WEEKLY FISHING REPORT is produced by fishermen for fishermen. We try to get it done every Thursday but some times fishing or life gets in the way. So if its not there on Thursday morning it will show up by Friday. We appreciate all the support and acknowledge that many of you won't miss a week but every now and then we might. CLICK SUPPORT THE REPORT TO HELP OUT Be Safe. Fish On!
Please direct any questions, comments or inquiries to elevenmile@hotmail.com
Reservations and payments taken over the phone and purchases on line via credit card are secure.
Copyright 2019-2022 Mile Sports, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this report maybe printed or reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission. Thanks