SOUTHPARK ICE MASTERS: SAT FEB 8 SIGN UP NOW TROUT ONLY FISH ANYWHERE ON LAKE 2 fish heaviest weight 20% of field win cash. prizes prizes prizes
SOUTH PARK ICE MASTERS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We could use a little help for the contest for on ice tournament officials/inspectors. We take good care of you with food and stuff and throw some cash your way for travel expenses. elevenmile@hotmail.com if you have an interest.
2025 EAGLE CLAW COLORADO CLASSIC ICE FISHING TOURNAMENT SERIES WIN A TOYOTA TACOMA Check out the CONTEST PAGE for 2025 rules and other info. SIGN UP NOW. Click BOOK NOW box follow prompts “register here”. Please read carefully when you sign up for all three, it is just one entry per team of two. elevenmile@hotmail.com with any questions or problems signing up. You can also sign up in the Marina store and save the fee charged by Peek Travel our backend reservation/contest system if you wish. Last year all three events sold out in the first week of January. We have always been at a 150 team limit and are able to increase to 160 this year. You do not have to be in all three. But if you choose to be in just one or two as many have done in the past it would be wise to sign up sooner rather than later. You must be in all three to qualify for the Final Grand Prize and Toyota Tacoma.
LETS GO CATCHING: Reservations now being taken for ice fishing Guide trips. Click the “RENTALS AND GUIDE” link top of page for details. We have been guiding on the ice since 1994. Experience counts. There are not tons of ice guides out there but there are some and most offer trips in the 6 to 8 hour range since they have to travel to get here and need to make it worth their wild. We are here at the lake and have found that if we can’t do it in 4 we can’t do it. Most of our Winter clients are first timers or still learning with a few making us an annual trip and some looking to learn more about Eleven Mile. Four hours on the ice is just about right for most people. We offer the ability to add time if the action is hot and heavy and you want to stay longer. call 719-748-0317 for your trip now.
CPW WINTER CARNIVAL: PRESIDENTS DAY WEEKEND SUNDAY FEBRUARY 16 Two years ago they had a very fun event with ice fishing seminars, games, ice skating and more. Last year saw a new Park Manager come on board in December and it was just a little too much to fast for Dan to tackle the event. But he is ready to rock and bring it back. Check Park FB page for details. 11 Mile Marina in cooperation with Ramps and Alleys Skate Shop from Salida will provide rental ice skates for FREE. Bring the kids have an ice time!
WATERCRAFT RENTAL FOR SUMMER SEASON NOW OPEN: Click BOOK NOW box for 2025 summer season Pontoon and boat rentals currently available at 2024 rates. We know some of you are already planning ahead and we turned on the system for reservations.
SEASONAL SLIP AVAILABLE: We have two seasonal slips available. We have had some inquiries but the phone numbers fell off on message so if we didn’t call you back please try again. Season runs from June 15 to Sept 15 $1,500.00 email Larry at elevenmile@hotmail.com or call 719-748-0317 ask for Larry Thanks
CURRENT CONDITIONS: ICE ON!!! Cold blustery conditions kept most at bay this past week. A few anglers are getting back at it with a break in the brutally cold temps. It will still be sub zero early morning but it has been warming up quickly. We are talking ice fishing and the ice is getting thicker. You can always check the live weather report from our weather station at the bottom of the report. No new snow. Roads are clear with some snow packed and icy spots.
PARK OPEN 24/7/365
MARINA STORE AND LAKE SPECIALISTS: Camping, Fishing Equipment, Flies, Lures, Bait, Clothing, Food, Snacks, Drinks, Ice Cream and official purveyors of Boars Head brand products. Stop in and find out how we can help you catch. Get a topo map. They say information is gold. It's also critical to catching fish on the ice. The maps have GPS coordinates on them so you just can't miss. We want you to be successful here at the Mile. Get a map we will MARK IT UP with the hot spots. WE ARE HERE FISHING EVERYDAY AND CAN PUT YOU ON THE FISH. Spinney Maps are officially unavailable and no longer in production. You can probably find them other places but we are out. Plenty of Eleven Mile in stock get yours with all the hot spots marked up today. Information is gold for catching
LEAD POSTER PIC: Lonny Schoon did nice work on this photo shop with the pic of his winning fish taken in his garage after he got home. SEE FULL RESULTS ON CONTEST PAGE
PIC # 1: Virgil is a great ice fishermen. He has sent us a number of pics over the years from here at the Mile and has been on the Weekly Report before. Think he is at least a member of the three timers club. The key to his success is time on the ice. He puts in the hours with determination. He was really proud of this Brown he caught at Antero recently and sent me the pic. Totally a fish to be proud of. Reports are Antero has it’s moment but has slowed up just like here. pic courtesy Virgil A. PIC # 2: Sorry I can’t stop looking at this pic until I do the same. They’re out there! Inspirational lol. pic courtesy John I.
PIC # 3: EXCLUSIVE: You will not be able to find these pink “FLAMINGO” maggots anywhere in Colorado accept at 11 Mile Marina. We heard from our Distributor Discount Tackle in Denver just got a few jars. Sure to be a hot ice fishing bait. Also Strawberry Limeade with Garlic scent Power Bait exclusively at the Marina and our online store. We ran out last Saturday waiting on delivery now. PIC # 4: Nice one! Those Eleven Mile Pike are thick. pic courtesy Cole C.
SEND US YOUR PICS: Thank you for sending pics of your success here. Sometimes they end up in junk file and we lose them, sometimes they are in a format that is not supported by website backend. If you don’t get a thank you acknowledgement email that means we didn’t get it. Try again THANKS!! Send in those ice pics. If we use it stop in for a free Krystal Lazer ice jig.
TROUT: FAIR: North Shore Marina still seeing stocker action with occasional big fish being landed. Other areas that you might be use to have seen fewer fish and even fewer interested fish. Going small has been productive. Tiny Tots with half a meal worm or waxworm have done pretty good. Dead stick seems to be the best when using small micro jigs. Soft plastics like Sierra Slammers, tube jigs and paddle tail jigs have produced. The bigger tubes and paddle tails have not scared the bigger fish away. Bigger fish seen and caught in deeper water just below the ice. When we say deeper we are not talking about 25 feet we are talking more like 40 to 60 with the first 5 feet being where they are. It’s a hike but that’s where they are. Out from Rocking Chair in 40 feet, North Shore 40 to 60, Duck island 40 to 70 and Deer Island to Bouy line 60 to 80 feet just below the ice. That’s not to say you won’t see fish in shallow water but we have heard form frustrated anglers not doing well in their same old spots. You can’t fish the same spot all the time, with the same bait and expect the same results as early ice. We are into a real Winter now and it takes slightly more effort to locate the big ones.
KOKANEE SALMON:FAIR: There is still action out in the deep. No one has seen the production that the repeat pic shows but that does not mean its not possible. Most that have tried are coming away with 1 to 3 fish and stories about the ones that got away, so that is still encouraging. Swedish Pimples have done particularly well. The #5PFO and #3PFO are our favorites but it seems any Pimple will do pretty good as long as it has orange on it. We have an “Orange Ice” one that also does well tipped with the Gulp Maggot. You have to know the drill they often hit on the drop and it’s difficult for many to know when and how to set the hook. Takes practice. Plenty of Trout out there while your practicing. If you don’t have a jigging machine which is not a piece of equipment readily available at any stores make one. Come on in and we will show you ours. Very simple very effective…you can do it! We have tried over the years to sell ones made by others but generally they don’t produce enough to meet demand and then they quite. They do make a difference and dramatically increase your chances.
NORTHERN PIKE:FAIR TO GOOD: 8 to 10 feet of water still seems to be the sweet spot. Water dogs still seem to be their favorite but finding the bite time of the day is the trick. Finding the fish has not been the issue. Patience and presentation are the key. Big white tubes with a piece of sucker meat brings them in but boy they sure do like to look more than they like to eat sometimes. Stop in we will point out some spots on the map you might want to try.
SPECIAL NOTE: 11 Mile Marina is located at the North Shore in Eleven Mile State Park, Lake George Colorado. A CPW Park Pass is required on all vehicles entering the Park. Any fees for Guide/Outfitter/Rental services do not include Park fees, CO fishing license or gratuities.
The WEEKLY FISHING REPORT is produced by fishermen for fishermen. We try to get it done every Thursday but some times fishing or life gets in the way. So if its not there on Thursday morning it will show up by Friday. We appreciate all the support and acknowledge that many of you won't miss a week but every now and then we might. CLICK SUPPORT THE REPORT TO HELP OUT Be Safe. Fish On!
Please direct any questions, comments, PICS or inquiries to elevenmile@hotmail.com
Reservations and payments taken over the phone and purchases on line via credit card are secure.
Copyright 2019 - 2025 11 Mile Sports, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this report maybe printed or reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission. Thanks